Hey hey hey! I’ve not posted for a tremendously long time that’s why I’m making a long one! Anyway, I know you’ll all love the post! Swear!!! <3
Anyway, before I shed tears telling things about Joe, I’ll first share the things that happened last Wednesday. Last Wednesday was a sort of Joe’s “DESPEDIDA” party. Too bad I haven’t brought my cam for our last escapade before his journey, too bad my camera phone is still busted and my parents have no plans of replacing it yet, and too bad Carl and Mao weren’t able to go with us.
October 12, 2005 was one of the most memorable days I would never want to go back to. I wish I’d never come to the party if only for Joe.
When we got to Adrianne’s restaurant
slash bar slash old-people’s-den-during-night, we, me, Joe and Ryan, were very shocked to see our friends, Adrianne and Jiovanni. We were not surprised with Adrianne, but with Jiovanni! He’s changed from a he to a she. He’s not yet a trannie, though. But he’s a cross dresser who plans to have his reproductive organ changed in the near future. Eeew! A total eeew for me! I know that I’m gay but not too gay to dress like a girl in public! I might consider myself joining the FAB5, than being the alter ego of Brinnie Maxwell! Screw Brinnie Girl! Ü
Well, I really don’t wanna judge him; however, I’m really disgusted with what he’s done to himself. It’s not that I don’t like cross dressers, but yeah I extremely dislike cross dressers I just hate seeing my friends dress like that. If only I have pictures to show, Jiovanni was really transformed from a “Pa-min” to a “Factual Bi0tch”. Gross eh? Anyway, I know he’s very happy with what he’s doing and what he’s done to himself.
Thank God the Sem’s Done!
It’s officially over. My first semester of being a junior student is finally over. I’ve had my re-defense, which I think is not quite good. (I just hope that I’ll pass the subjects no matter what!) I’ve had my clearance signed. And I’ve had enough of this semester! This semester was really killing me. Studying was never really a problem... The academic subjects were no difficult for me to handle, save for the technical subjects, which included a lot of programming and databases. “Haaay, buhay!” I told myself. I know that I’ve exerted a lot of effort in all the subjects I handled. I never took my subjects for granted, anyway.
Gaaaawd! I definitely love solving math problems, making a balance sheet for my Management Principles w/ Financial Management subject, and documenting for my Systems Analysis and Design subject. But!...There's a big BUT! I absolutely abhor programming. Hopefully I'll graduate without, me, making programs.
Rafael’s a Nice Name for a Boyfriend:)
OMG what a hot guy>>>!!